Top 5 Best Health Benefits Of Yoga

 Yoga brings together physical and mental disciplines to achieve a peaceful body and mind . It offers physical and mental health benefits of all ages people regular yoga practice may reduce level of stress..

 Here are some best health benefits of yoga - 

1. Normal Body Weight -  Yoga does help in normalizing body weight by restoring hormones . Triangle pose and plank pose are very beneficial in normalize body weight .

2. Normalize Blood Pressure -  Yoga provides specific benefits for hypo-reactors in case of blood pressure .High blood pressure can result in many other disease , hence yoga assists in avoiding such disease . It improve in the arteries which is the prime cause of heart disease.

3. Back Pain Relief -  Yoga is as good as basic stretching for easing pain and improving mobility in people with lower back pain . For back pain practicing cat-cow pose , it is an effective yoga for back pain . It brings the spine into correct alignment and can help prevent back pain when practiced regularly.

4. Benefits in Heart Health -  Regular yoga practice may reduce levels of stress, yoga improves heart health by increasing circulation of blood .

Aerobic exercise good for health. This exercise do at least 30 minutes a day . Yoga can reduce the risk of heart disease.

5. Improves Strength And Balance -  Power yoga is one of the most athletic form of yoga , build upper body strength and helps make you more flexible and balanced . Work and tone your entire body with strengthening yoga pose like chair pose, extended side angle pose.

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