Yoga Poses For Sculpted Shoulders

1. Side Plank Pose - Adding a rotation to your side planks helps engage your shoulder muscles. Lie down on your right side with the right forearm at 90 degrees with the upper arms . Place your left hand on your waist.

Now balancing on your right hand, left your hips such that your neck is in line with your spine.

2. Dolphin Pose - Dolphin pose stretches and opens the entire back and back side of the legs while strenghening the upper back and shoulders . It provides all of the benefits of downward - facing dogs.

3. Baby Cobra - Cobra done with the arms bent is sometimes called baby cobra. It benefits in chest , shoulders . It is best known for its ability to increase the flexibility of the spin . It helps to open the lungs.

Do Baby Cobra pose in this way - 
Lie facedown on the ground , place palms underneath shoulder bent and close to the body , lengthen chest forward and slightly up while off the ground so back is doing at least off 5 minutes.
Shoulders exercise are of permanent importance when it comes and sculpting your uper body.

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