5 Yoga Poses To Do Bed

 5 Yoga Poses To Do Bed

Yoga is a combination of various postures , breathing techniques and also increase your endorphins and body temperature . Many benefits of yoga practicing before bedtime like strengthens immunity , relieves muscles tension and gives people a sense of focus. Regular yoga practice increases blood flow and releases endorphins that helps you get restful sleep.

The 5 best yoga poses to do before bed -

1. Corpse Pose -  Corpse pose is also called Savasana , this pose calms your mind and body . It also gives relief from stress. It lowers blood pressure and heart rate, and it teaches you how to relax as a preparation for sleep .

To do this pose - 

Holding your legs straight , bring your arms along side your body , slightly separated from your torso, turen your palm to face upward . just your back for support , once you have set up your limbs ,holding them in position . Stay for minimum of 5-10 minutes.
2. Standing Half Forward Behind - Its another name is uttanasana , calms the brain and helps relieve stress. This pose also stimulates the liver and kedneys.
To do this pose - 

Take a deep breaths , come up no to your finger tops , raise your torso , keeping your spine flate. Inhale as you lift your head spine aligned through your back and neck . Thake this opportunity to gt touch with your breathing .
3. Balasana -  Balasana is called child pose . It enhances the quality of breathing , and thus , soothes the body as well the mind . 

To perform this pose -

Come to your hands and knees , spread your knees wide , keeping the tops your feet on the floor with the big toes touching . Bring your belly to rest between your thighs and root your forehead the floor.

4. Hatha -  Hatha yoga improves the physical body's capacity . It offers a deep sense of calm as it lowers cortisol level and stimulates the nervous which helps us feel relaxed , which it turn can help you get a good night's sleep.

5 . Cow Pose -  The another name of cow pose is Bitilasana . Cow pose is one of the best yoga poses for good sleep. 

To perform cow pose - 

Place your knees and hands on the floor at as well spaced distance . From a curve with your back , you head facing up towards sky. 
Exchale your back , bring your head down facing the ground.


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