There are 6 yoga poses to improve your memory

 There are 6 yoga poses to improve your memory

1. Halasana -  Halasana is also known as plow pose. It improves blood circulation and also soothes the nerves. Halasana provides a good stretch to the spine and effectively opens all the connecting nerves thus promotes memory and concntration.

2. Setubandhasana
-  Setubandhasana or bridge pose, relieves the mind and increase blood circulation in the brain . It also reduce the level of stress , anxiety , etc, The bridge pose is a restorative pose that calm your mind and also revitalizes you.

3. Padmasana -  Padmasana or boat lotus pose is a simple posture that reduce fatigue and muscular tension . This pose makes you more mindful and improves brain functioning . It also relax your body.

4. Vajrasana -  Vajrasana is a simple asanas that will improve your blood flow and calms your mind and improve concentration . Regular practice of vajrasana reduces stress.

5. Sukhasana -  It stimulates the brain by soothing the body and mind . It improves blood circulation give strength to respiration system , improve concentration and memory . The another name of sukhasana is easy pose.

 6. Paschimottanasana -  Paschimottanasana or the seated forward bend pose is one of the best poses to concentration . It calm mind and improves your memory.

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