Yoga Poses For Knee Joint Pain

 In these day , we all hard and see about many people ( men and women) who had suffering from knee joint pain because all's are eat unhealthy and junk food they make your body weak and ill. Nobody doing exercise and yoga's , this is very important to make your body healthy and feet.

Now , we are talk about knee joint pain . So can be great way to maintain flexibility and reduce pain. 

There are some yoga poses that may help in knee joint pain - 

1. Cat Pose - Cat yoga pose that warm the body and bring flexibility to the spine. It can help prevent knee pain when practiced regularly.

2. Butterfly Pose - It helps to relieve mild depression . Improves abdominal organs and stretches the inner thighs and knees. butterfly pose is excellent way to get rid of knee joint pain.

3. Setu Bandhasana - Setu Bandhasana is known as bridge pose . It is wonderful to help relief in knee joint pain. It helps strengthen muscles in the knee joint .
In this case, you are suffering from neck pain then do not practice bridge pose.

4. Chair Pose - Chair Pose is also one of the best exercise that strengthen the supporting muscles of the knees. It also strengthen the muscles and removes stiffness in the shoulders. 

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