7 Yoga Poses That Can Protect Your Hair

1.  Ustrasana - It is an effective yoga asana that helps some time to master. This yoga pose increases the oxygen levels and blood flow to the head . It not only improves the quality of your hair but also makes it flowless and shinner . You hold this pose for 15-30 seconds.

2. Adho Mukha Svanasana - Adho Mukha Svanasana is also called the down ward facing pose. It is a transitional resting pose, which increase blood flow . Due to this , there a boost in the oxygen reaching the scalp and promote hair growth.

3. Sirasana - Sirasana is also known as the headstand . This asana helps in new hair growth. It improves blood circulation in scalp which helps in reducing hair loss.

4. Kapalbhati - Kapalbhati prayanam help to reduce stress and anxiety level. It is good for blood circulation which strengthens hair roots and stop hairfall. It also insure that oxygen reached our scalp so that the hair revitalizes and grows.

5. Vajrasana - Vajrasana helps to reduce hair fall. It helping keep the mind calm and stable. It reduce stress , which is one of the major triggers for hair loss. It also helps digest your food better.

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