5 Effective Yoga Poses To Build Your Body Strength

 There are some yoga poses to build your body strength - 

1. Boat Pose - Boat pose is also known as navasana . This pose doesn't only your core muscles of your entire body. It also works the deep hip flexors and helps improve balance . In this posture body takes the shape of a boat.

2. Eight - Angle Pose - Eight angle pose like a pro you can improved core strength as well as stronger arms and abdominal muscle. It also helps build concentration and balance.

3. Mountain Pose - Mountain pose is also known as jadasana. It improves your posture and body awareness , strengthens your legs, also develops strength and balance.

4. Bridge Pose - Bridge pose or setu bandha sarvangasana help build cre strength and improve stamina and stability . You can build strength and muscle with a regular practice of this poses.

5. Crow Pose - Crow pose also called kakasana . Crow yoga pose not only builds and tones the core , It also strengthens the arms and upper back . This pose will stretch the inner groin muscles and start to engage the core. 

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