Yoga For Better Sleep

 Yoga For Better Sleep

Many studies and national survey have found improved (better ) sleep . We are mostly saw that those people who are suffering from stress are also not sleep well . It may be time time to do yoga because yoga helps to reduce stress.

There are many positive effects yoga . Yoga can have on wellness including improved mental and emotional health and stress , relief of some types of pain, weight loss and improved sleep. 

Here are some yoga suggested for better sleep --

1. Plow Pose -  Plow pose also called halasana. It is a effective sleep disorder recovering asana is halasana. To perform this pose lie on your back with your arms beside you downwards , raising your legs at 90 degree angle breath normally and supporting your hips left them off the ground , sweep your legs in 180 degree angle over your head till your toes touch the flour . 
You can hold this pose for 30 seconds.

2. Fire Log Pose - Fire log pose also known as Anistambhasana. It begins with extending your left leg straight and then bending it making a 90 degree angle . Flex your right knee making your shin stacked on top of your left . You can hold this pose will help you sleep better.

3 . Balasana -  Balasana also called child pose . this is an another effective asana for better sleep . Child pose helps to calm the brain and helps relieve stress and fatigue that are good for better sleep to do this pose firstly kneel down on the floor and sit. Keep your big toes touching each other . Bend forward  and exhale as you lay your torso between your thighs and swing your hands forward . You can hold this pose for 2-3 minutes.

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