4 Yoga Poses For Core And Balance In 2021

 4 Yoga Poses For Core And Balance In 2021

Balance is important in our daily lives, but as we age it become specially very important to have good balance to falls and injuries . Balance is a key to all functional movements . Strong core muscles also provide you with balance and stability . So having a strong core is beneficial to everyone because it allows your body to function property.
Core exercise train the muscles in your lower back and abdomen and also allowing to move your body in any direction .
When you get middle aged balance and stability get harder to maintain but don't worry , today's we talk about how to maintain balance and stability by practicing yoga.

1. Boat Pose -  Boat Pose or Navasana is balance oriented yoga pose that strengthens the core and hip flexors . It engages the muscles of your entire body. It also tones and strengthens your abdominal muscles to human this pose - 
Firstly , sit with your knees bent, place your hands behind your knees. Energy your inner thighs and draw your lower belly in and up . Tip back of your sitting bones and lift your feet up to about knee height , toes spread out. To get further , straighten your legs.
4 Yoga Poses For Core And Balance In 2021

2. Tadasana -  Tadasana also called mountain pose , it is one of the best exercise for increase balance . It is the base of all standing pose. It improves concentration and focus and also improves posture , alignment and balance . Mountain pose strengthens thighs and knees. 

To Perform Tadasana -

Stand on the ground barefoot with your legs and feet joined together . Bend your knees slightly and the strengthens them to help loosen your joint . Hands on the sides and palm facing the palm .

4 Yoga Poses For Core And Balance In 2021

3. Bridge Pose - Bridge pose also called Setu Bandhasana . It gently stretches your abdomen , chest and the area around your shoulders . 

To perform Bridge Pose - 

Lying on your back, bend both knees and place the flat on the floor . Press the feet into the floor, inhale and lift the hips up.  Press down into the arms and shoulders to left the chest up.

4 Yoga Poses For Core And Balance In 2021

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