Basic Yoga Pose Perfect For Beginners

Basic Yoga Poses Perfect For Beginners

 1. Konasana -  or the sideways bending pose helps relieves back pain, increase the flexibility of the spine , and helps those suffering from constipation .

Stand erect with hands at their respective sides . Keep the parallel to each other and maintain a distance of 19-20 inches between them. Keep the neck straight , chest thrown well forward , the abdomen in normal contour , and the chin drawn in . Focus your eyes at one point.

2 . Vrikshasana -  Vrikshasana aslo called the pose. It is an excellent yoga pose for beginners to increase focus. It makes the legs strong, improves balance . It also helps those suffering from sciatica.
Stand straight and balance on your left legs bend your right leg at the knee. Now, place your right inside of your left thigh join your palms at your chest level . Then left your arms over your head till your hands are stretched upwards .
Hold this position and take deep breathe.

3. Hastapadasana -  Hastapadasana or standing forward bend pose. It makes the spine supple and stretches all the muscles of the back and also invigorates the nervous system .

Stand straight with your feet together and arms arms alongside your body, weight is equal on both feet. Extend your arms over your head . Bend forward towards the feet and rest your hands on your feet . Stay in this position and breathing deeply.

4 . Mountain Pose -  Mountain pose acts as the foundation for other poses . Mounatin pose tadasana is suitable for all levels of yoga practisioners specially beginners .

Stand with your feet slightly apart. Inhale , raise your arms above your head interlock your fingers with palm facing upwards . Raise your shoulders up towards your ears and on an inhale , roll your shoulder back and down down yourspine . Take a deep breathes and hold for 3-5 breathes.

5. Katichakrasana - Kattichakrasana also called standing spinal twist relieves constipation , strengthens the spine and neck . Stand straight , keep your legs apart from each other equivalent to the shoulders . Stretch your hands to the front , palms facing each other . Inhale and exhale twist from the waist to the right and look back over the right . Keep your breathe out and stay in this position as long possible.


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