3 Essential Yoga Poses For Beginners

3 Essential Yoga Poses For Beginners

 Yoga plays very important role in our life . So, you to do yoga and involve in your daily routine . As a beginning yoga , you might feet overwhelmed , but don't worry keep things simple when you are just starting . Peterson says that " The more you practice yoga the move you are building awareness in your body . 

Today we are talk about some essential yoga poses for beginners - 

1.  Mountain Pose -  Mountain pose acts as the foundation for other poses. Mountain pose or tadasana is suitable for all levels of yoga practitioners specially beginners.

Stand with your feet slightly apart . Inhale , raise your arms above your heads interlock your fingers with palm facing upwards . Raise your shoulder up towards your ears and on exhale , roll your shoulder back and down down your spine . Take a deep breaths and hold for 3-5 breaths .

2. Downward Facing Dog -  It is one of the easiest yoga poses for beginners . It works the whole body, and can build strength, increase flexibility and relieve back pain.

Do this pose -  Start on your hands and knees , with your hands stacked under your shoulders and knees under your hips . Spread your hands wide and press your index finger and thumb in to mat. Lift your tailbone and press your butt up and back, straightening your legs . Your head should be between your arms facing your arms facing your knees , and your backs should be flat.

3. Kumbhakasana -  Kumbhakasana is also called plank pose . It is much effective to strengthen your pose . It is much effective to strengthen your hands , chest and thighten your abdomen. 

Start on all fours , with your knees under your hips and your hands flat on the floor directly underneath your shoulders . Lift your knees off the floor and extended your legs out behind you. Keep your palms flat on the floor , hands shoulder -width apart , shoulder stacked directly above your wrists and core engaged. Keep your neck and spine in a neutral position by looking down at the top of your mat.

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