What Are The 5 Poses Of Yoga

 What Are The 5 Poses Of Yoga

Here are 5 poses of yoga are given below -  

1. Mountain Pose - Mountain pose and tadasana improves your body posture , strengthens your legs , back and hips . It is one of the best yoga poses to increase your height and also helps in improve breathing . Mountain pose gives optimum stretching to the nerves and muscles thus helpful in functioning of various system of the body .
Stand with your toes, lift your toes and spread them wide . Draw down through your heels and strengthen your legs -pressing evenly across all four corner of both feet . Then lift your ankles and arches of your feet , rotate your thighs up and back . Bring your pelvis to its natural position . As you inhale , elongate through your torso. Exhale and release your shoulder blades away from your head.

2. Triangle pose -  Triangle pose or trikonasana , it is good for lengthening the spine and strengthening the thighs , knees and ankles.
It providing stamina and balance and helps to expand your chest shoulders . The triangle pose activates your core muscles . 
Stand straight with distance between your legs should be a little more than the span of your shoulders , raise your right hand , the right arm should be parallel to right ear. Bend your torso at the waist , to your left side. Slide your left arm down along your left leg till your finger at your ankle.

3. Bridge Pose - Bridge pose called setu bandhasana , It may help relieve low back pain, stretches chest, neck and hips. Improves blood circulation and also help in alleviates stress and mild depression . This pose works the core abdominals , back and hamstring muscles.
Lie on your back with knees bent, heels directly below your knees . Leave your upper arms on the floor , twin your palms to face one another.

4. Tree Pose - Tree pose or vrikshasana is a wonderful pose that teaches balance while toning the muscles of legs . It improves your neuromuscular coordination . It may help those who suffer from sciatic and also helps in improve postural and body awareness.

 5. Warrior 1-  Warrior 1 strengthens the legs and upper arms , improves balance and core the muscles. It helps in improves focus , balance and stability and also helps in good circulation and respiration.

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