Popular Yoga And Their Unexpected benefits .

 Here are some popular yoga poses and their unexpected benefits - 

1. Triangle Pose -  This asana is known for improving concentration and balance as well as opening the body , which allows blood and oxygen to flow freely to all the organs . The triangle pose activates your core muscles , which aids in balance and stability .

2. Downward Facing Dog -  It brings healthy blood flow and oxygen to the brain . This pose decompresses the spine and sends fresh oxygen and blood to the brain. This pose also helps relieve back pain , headache and fatigue.

3. Child Pose -  It helps calm the mind and relieve . Child pose gently stretches your spine, thighs , hips and ankles . This restorative yoga pose relieves tension in the neck, back and hips.

4. Warrior 2 -  Warrior 2 is well known for its ability to stimulate the muscles of the legs and back . It is fabulous for improving your sense of self , determination and confidence. 

5. Corpse Pose -  Savasana or corpse pose is also a pose in its own right with more benefits than you may realize. It also improve self - awarness , focus . It relaxes muscles and stimulates blood circulation . It helps asthma patients get relief from asthmatic problems.

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